Perth trip goes on line for The Cleaner

Friday 7 November 2014, 4:22pm

Popular Tasmanian galloper The Cleaner's travel itinerary could extend beyond Melbourne if he can run a big race in the Group One Emirates Stakes.

The Cleaner has raced in Tasmania and Melbourne during his career but trainer Mick Burles is considering taking him to Perth for a Group One race if he can perform to expectations in Saturday's 1600-metre handicap at Flemington.

"If he runs in the first two or three tomorrow he'll go to Perth and run in the Railway Stakes," Burles said.

Burles said The Cleaner would have to be flown to Perth for the November 22 race, representing a different mode of transport for one of racing's best frontrunners.

When he races in Melbourne, The Cleaner travels across Bass Strait from Tasmania on the Spirit Of Tasmania ferry.

"That's one of the main reasons behind taking him to Perth, for the flying experience," Burles said.

"To see how he handles it.

"Probably next year we might look at a race in Sydney and I could fly him up."

The Cleaner earned a Cox Plate start with his win in the Group Two Dato Tan Chin Nam Stakes at Moonee Valley and he finished ninth in the race, leaving Burles proud of the gelding's performance.

"I couldn't ask for any better run than he put in," he said.

The Cleaner is at $8 for the Emirates Stakes.

Burles said the gelding pulled up so well after the Cox Plate that he decided to give him his chance at another spring Group One.


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