Oliver the big winner at Victorian awards

Sunday 17 August 2014, 9:42pm

Damien Oliver has capped his comeback with a record seventh Scobie Breasley medal while Fiorente, the horse he rode to win the Melbourne Cup, is the Victorian Horse of the Year.

Oliver fended off a late challenge from Brad Rawiller, the leading jockey in Australia last season, to win the prestigious Scobie Breasley award for riding performances in Victoria.

Votes are lodged on a 3-2-1 basis by Racing Victoria stewards after each of the 110 metropolitan meetings of the 2013-14 season.

Despite missing a quarter of the season while serving the final months of a ban for a betting offence, Oliver scored 58 votes to Rawiller's 44.

The 42-year-old also collected the inaugural Roy Higgins Medal as the winner of last season's metropolitan premiership.

The Gai Waterhouse-trained Fiorente, who also won the Australian Cup, was a narrow winner over champion sprinter Lankan Rupee.

He gained 116 votes to Lankan Rupee's 103 with the award celebrating performances on Victorian tracks from votes by racing media and the state's race callers.

Lankan Rupee's trainer Mick Price was awarded the Fred Hoysted Medal which acknowledges the most outstanding training performance in Victoria.

Price won for preparing Lankan Rupee to an effortless victory in the Group One Newmarket Handicap (1200m) at Flemington in March, a performance that elevated him to the top of the world sprint rankings.

Star jumps jockey Steven Pateman equalled the record held by Craig Durden when he claimed a seventh Tommy Corrigan Medal in eight years, securing 28 votes to defeat Arron Lynch and John Allen (13).

Oliver's Roy Higgins Medal came off the back of 59 metropolitan wins last season while Rawiller was recognised for his sixth Victorian premiership.

It was a successful night for Ballarat trainer Darren Weir whose 244 statewide winners, including 88 at metropolitan meetings, clinched the Victorian and metropolitan trainers premierships.

Katelyn Mallyon was presented with her second metropolitan apprentices award while Jye McNeil won the state-wide premiership.


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