Bruce Hill upbeat about Teronado

Sunday 17 August 2014, 11:09am

One of those least worried by Saturday's Eagle Farm wash-out was Bruce Hill whose stable star Teronado was due to make his return.

Eagle Farm was abandoned after race three when jockeys complained visibility was too poor to continue.

It had trainers including Hill reaching for their turf calendars in an effort to find new races for their charges.

"At this stage he will still have his first-up run in Brisbane, Hill said.

"There are a couple of options in the next fortnight and we will wait to see what the rain does."

"I am in no hurry to rush south with him because they seem to be copping the rain as well."

Teronado ran some top races in Group One company last season including a third in the Rosehill Guineas.

Hill is yet to decide the gelding's ultimate goal this spring but Teronado is entered for the Caulfield Cup and Cox Plate.

Robert Heathcote will either drop Saluter back to a 1200m handicap on Saturday or wait for a 1350m open in a fortnight after the wash-out.

Likewise trainer Bruce Brown is likely to defer a decision on black type winner Black Magic's retirement until after one of the open races in the next two weeks.

One trainer not worried about the weather is Danny Bougoure who has decided to miss the spring with Oakleigh Girl, a Group Three winner on debut at Flemington last November.

Oakleigh Girl was runner-up in the Magic Millions Classic in January but unplaced in two Sydney autumn runs.

"She is having a long spell and will be back for the Magic Millions in January and the Sydney autumn," he said.

Racing Queensland has added two races to Wednesday's Eagle Farm meeting which will go ahead if predictions for clearing weather are correct.

The additional races will be a $45,000 Benchmark 75 (2115m) and a $45,000 Class 6 Plate (1200m). Nominations for the entire Wednesday August 20 meeting have been pushed back to Monday.


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