Echo Gal defies Canterbury betting drift

Wednesday 6 August 2014, 5:36pm

An unsuccessful interstate trip and a health hiccup derailed Echo Gal's juvenile season but connections are confident she is back on track after a tough Canterbury victory.

The Gai Waterhouse-trained filly defied attempts to run her down in Wednesday's Ranvet Handicap (1100m) despite being pressured in front for most of the race.

"At this early stage of the season, to be beating older horses shows she is back to her best and hopefully we can get her into some of the better races," Waterhouse stable representative Mark Newnham said.

A brilliant winner on debut in December, Echo Gal earned a trip to Queensland but failed to fire in two starts there, including the Magic Millions Classic.

Autumn plans also unravelled when she pulled up from her unplaced run in the Kindergarten Stakes with heart arrhythmia.

Punters were wary of her on Wednesday and she was a significant betting ring drifter, opening at $4.80 before starting $17.

But under the urgings of Tommy Berry, Echo Gal showed tenacity to score her second win in five starts.

"We got a bit carried away early, she showed above average ability and she was thrown in the deep end and then kind of got forgotten about," Berry said.

"I let her run along today and she was pressured the whole way.

"It's good to see her back in the winner's circle because I've always had a soft spot for her."


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