Beatniks to bow out after Princess Stakes

Thursday 17 April 2014, 12:04pm

Promising three-year-old filly Beatniks faces her campaign swan song in an Eagle Farm race on Saturday that will launch winter carnival bids for most of her rivals.

Beatniks ran an eye-catching third at her last start behind Queen Of The Lochs at Eagle Farm two weeks ago, making her one of the better chances in the Princess Stakes.

However, trainer Steve O'Dea makes no apologies for sending Beatniks for a spell after the Listed assignment over 1600m.

"I have said all along that we wouldn't see the best of her until she reached 1600 metres," O'Dea said.

"Her last run was very good but this is her first campaign and she has been up since December."

O'Dea said Beatniks had not been the most robust of fillies and he had spaced her runs.

"But I have always intended to spell her after this run to give her a good break for next season," he said.

"Unless something dramatic happens this will be her grand final."

The O'Dea-trained Fairytale Belle will also tackle the Princess Stakes but she is likely to press on through the winter.

"At this stage she will follow the traditional path to the Queensland Oaks next month," O'Dea said.


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