Rebel Dane makes big impression on return

Saturday 24 August 2013, 5:47pm

Glen Boss declared Rebel Dane a Group One sprinter in the making following his demolition of a smart field in Saturday's Group Three Show County Quality at Warwick Farm.

The 1200m victory was vindication for the Victorian-based Boss who made the trip to Sydney to partner Rebel Dane and top mare Streama who only just failed to give him a feature race double when she was beaten in a photo finish by Veyron in the Warwick Stakes.

Boss was impressed by Rebel Dane's strong three-year-old form behind star colt Pierro and his opinion of the Gary Portelli-trained entire was cemented when he rode him for the first time in a recent barrier trial.

"He stood out like a beacon. That Pierro form is going to stand up for years and years," Boss said.

"He was the best horse in the race over this trip.

"He's got that essential turn of foot that Group One sprinters have and he's got a great attitude.

"Gary has just got to manage him now and keep him to sprints."

Rebel Dane was a well-supported favourite and settled midfield before unleashing a powerful finish to race clear for a 1-1/4 length win over Title with Norzita doing her best work late for third in a fine return.

A mixture of relief and excitement flooded over Portelli after Rebel Dane's performance.

The Warwick Farm horseman believes he could be the horse of a lifetime.

"I feel like I need a chair right now, the legs are a bit wobbly," he said.

"This is what you do it for. You get up at three o'clock every morning trying to find a good horse. Hopefully this bloke is the one we've been looking for."

Trainer James Cummings was rapt with the effort of Norzita who is being aimed at the George Main Stakes ahead of a tilt at the Cox Plate.

"She ran fantastic," Cummings said.

"She really motored to the line. She will head to the Tramway now and then the George Main and then go to Melbourne."


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