Tommy Berry to miss two Saturday meetings

Wednesday 21 August 2013, 5:36pm

Tommy Berry will miss the first-up ride on the Queen's horse Carlton House after being suspended for careless riding in two separate races at Canterbury on Wednesday.

A disappointed Berry had been pencilled in to partner Carlton House in the Tramway Handicap (1400m) at Randwick on September 7, the first time he would have sported the Queen's silks in a race.

"I'm just glad it's not Group One time. There is still a few weeks until then and it's good to get it out of the system," Berry said.

"I'm looking forward to the coming weeks, especially the horses from today."

Berry started the day on a high note, combining with trainer Gai Waterhouse to win the first three races on the program aboard Danas Best, Forever Loved and Our Desert Warrior.

But it soured in the stewards' room where he was charged over his effort on Forever Loved in the second race after directing her outwards on the home turn when not clear of other runners.

He was outed for five meetings and had another three tagged on to that penalty for directing eventual runner-up Ecuador outwards near the 300m of the Ranvet Handicap.

Berry will ride at Warwick Farm on Saturday where his mounts include Glencadam Gold in the Group Two Warwick Stakes.

He will begin his penalty on Sunday, missing the Run To The Rose meeting at Rosehill on August 31 along with the Chelmsford Stakes fixture a week later before returning on September 8.


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