Isotope back on track for Mode Plate

Monday 30 November 2020, 2:30pm

A barrier blanket, blinkers and a brow band all worn at once.

It is not a fashion statement but a necessity as trainer Tony Gollan searches for ways to coax the best out of talented but troublesome filly Isotope.

Gollan used a raft of gear changes on Isotope at the Beaudesert barrier trials last week when the filly recorded a solid win in a 1050 metre heat with Ryan Maloney aboard.

Stewards issued a warning to Gollan regarding Isotope's barrier manners when she was fractious in the gates before missing the start at Doomben on November 7.

The filly drifted in betting from $1.95 to $2.30 favourite and after being slowly away stormed home to finish second to Goldsborough.

Isotope's poor barrier manners forced Gollan to go back to the drawing board in an effort to make her more tractable.

"Kevin Thomas did a great job with her out at Washpool Lodge and gave me a lot of advice to follow, which we did," Gollan said.

"That was the idea of going there to help her with the barriers and she was perfect.

"She had a hell of a lot of different gear on her but she did everything right and trialled in second gear."

Isotope will be out to redeem herself in Saturday's Listed Mode Plate (1200m) at Doomben which is shaping as a bumper meeting for Gollan.

He will also be represented in the Group Three George Moore Stakes (1200m) by rejuvenated sprinter Jonker.

The entire broke the Doomben 1200 metre track record set by Takeover Target in 2005 when he clocked an astonishing 1:07.83 to win the Keith Noud Quality on November 14.

Joining Jonker in the George Moore will be stablemates Just Orm and Outback Barbie, who will be ridden by Michael Rodd after he announced last week he will be returning to Brisbane to ride fulltime.

Rodd's first appearance in Queensland this season will be at Ipswich on Friday.


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