Miracles Of Life wins barrier trial

Monday 12 August 2013, 5:49pm

Unbeaten filly Miracles Of Life has signalled she is back with a vengeance, winning a barrier trial at Morphettville on Monday by 6-1/2 lengths.

The Blue Diamond Stakes winner will return to the scene of her biggest win when she resumes in the Group Three McNeil Stakes at Caulfield on August 31.

She had been scheduled to begin her campaign in Adelaide but wet tracks put paid to that plan.

Trainer Dan Clarken said the spring options were open for Miracles Of Life whose Blue Diamond Stakes win with Lauren Stojakovic aboard was the fairytale story of the season.

Clarken will decide after the McNeil whether the Thousand Guineas (1600m) or the shorter Coolmore Stud Stakes (1200m) will be the Group One target for Miracles Of Life.

"She was very impressive," Clarken said.

"Lauren couldn't hold her any slower on the corner so she just slipped her a little bit of rein and let her idle to the line.

"If we do head towards the Thousand Guineas Prelude (1400m) then that should give us a good guide as to whether we press on towards the Thousand Guineas.

"She's now ready and we'll be there for the McNeil in a couple of weeks."

Clarken said the $1 million weight-for-age Manikato Stakes (1200m) could also be an option if it was decided to take the filly on a sprinting path.

As a three-year-old filly, Miracles Of Life would carry just 50.5 kg in the Manikato.

The filly has raced four times for a combined winning margin of 20-1/4 lengths.


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