Big weights thwarting Floral Insight

Friday 9 August 2013, 11:39am

Critical of the weights given to Floral Insight, trainer Jim Delaney is considering an early retirement for the 13-time winner.

Delaney said the weights allocated to Floral Insight and a lack of open class races in his region had forced him to consider calling it quits on Floral Insight's career.

The gelding, trained at Taree on the NSW mid north coast, heads weights for the Euroka Cup (1000m) at Kempsey on Saturday with 65.5kg.

He will carry 62.5kg after the claim of apprentice Daniel Holten and Delaney says the horse has to run due to a lack of alternative options.

"I won't say he can't win because the horse is such a trier, but it just makes it hard with the weight," he said.

"The three open class races he contested in our region last season he won, but that was where it ended.

"He is such an honest horse he will give his best regardless."


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