Waller poised for Sydney training record

Friday 28 June 2013, 5:07pm

Rain has delayed the inevitable record-breaking season for Chris Waller but the trainer is hoping he will set a new mark for Sydney winners on Saturday.

The bulk of last Saturday's races were washed out at Randwick while Sydney also lost Tuesday's Warwick Farm meeting due to the weather.

Waller admits talk about passing the record of 156 Sydney wins set by TJ Smith in 1975-76 and equalled by his daughter Gai Waterhouse 27 years later is getting tiring.

While he appreciates the enormity of achievement, Waller believes it is something he won't be able to fully appreciate it until the time comes to look back.

For the moment he is too busy keeping all the systems in place that have made him Sydney's premier trainer for three seasons.

"It will be something to look back on in ten years time," Waller said.

"It's all about team work and getting the right systems and people in place to make it happen."

Waller has 18 runners spread over eight of the nine races at Rosehill on Saturday and goes into the meeting needing three winners to set a new mark.

The Sydney record apart, Waller ended the Group One season as the country's leading trainer with nine wins at the elite level.

Underlining the versatility of the stable, that mark was achieved with eight different horses, Shoot Out (George Main, Chipping Norton) the only one of his team to win two Group One races.

The group included his first Classic winners, Royal Descent (Australian Oaks) and Hawkspur (Queensland Derby).


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