Sydney trip on the cards for Dunn filly

Saturday 13 July 2019, 1:34pm

Trainer Matt Dunn is considering taking smart two-year-old filly Karaja to Sydney after luck finally went her way at Doomben.

Karaja ($3.70) got a perfect run behind a fast early pace before coming home strongly to beat Champagne Jet ($41) by 1-1/4 lengths with a nose to the favourite Ingear ($1.70) in the Brent Kielly Memorial Hcp (1200m).

Dunn has had bad luck in races with several of his two-year-olds of late and Karaja is a case in point.

"She should have won her past two starts at Ipswich and then the Sunshine Coast. She finally got out to the right distance for her today and she was strong to the line," Dunn said.

"Karaja is bred to get over some ground so who knows she might get out to a middle distance next campaign."

Dunn set a similar campaign for his horse The Fire Trap last year and he went to Sydney and won a race at the end of his campaign.

"To be honest I am a bit gun shy at the moment as we have had so much bad luck," Dunn said.

"Certainly a Sydney trip would be in line for her at some stage but whether it is this time we will have to decide a bit later."

Winning jockey Jim Byrne said Karaja had been strong at the finish and Sydney would not be beyond her.


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