Forsters aim for feature double at Doomben

Thursday 21 June 2018, 1:38pm

Desleigh Forster and her father Henry have the chance to celebrate a family feature training double at Doomben.

Desleigh Forster will have four runners at Saturday's meeting, Malvern Estate (Group Three Healy Stakes), Someday (Listed Mumm Stakes), Chapter and Verse (3YO Plate) and I'm Belucci (Class 6 Plate).

Henry Forster has one and possibly two runners in the $100,000 Battle of the Bush final, Drinking Cocktails and Bush Caviar (first emergency).

Desleigh Forster has been based at Eagle Farm for the past decade where she has established herself among the state's best trainers.

Henry trains at Ifracombe, in central western Queensland, and has had hundreds of winners on country tracks.

His daughter said horses had been part of the family life for as long as she could remember.

"We even rode in endurance events but eventually Dad got into racehorses and he has been pretty successful around the country tracks," she said.

"It is terrific for country people to be involved in something like the Battle Of The Bush. Drinking Cocktails races on the pace and that should suit her."

Forster has high hopes for Malvern Estate in the Healy Stakes, a race she targeted for him months ago.

"He has gone from a restricted class horse to one of the best sprinters in the state virtually in one preparation," Forster said.

"After he ran second in the Goldmarket at the Gold Coast we gave him a break with the Healy in mind. After Saturday we will probably push on to the Ramornie (Grafton, July 11)."

She said veteran Someday would be better suited on Saturday after failing first-up at Caloundra.

"He wasn't suited by the track at Caloundra and he has done well since," she said.

Forster has high hopes for brilliant last-start Beaudesert winner Chapter And Verse.

"It is a big step up on Saturday but I think this time next year you will see a genuine carnival horse," she said.

Group One-placed stayer I'm Belucci is resuming after a year off.


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