Stablemates against each other at Randwick

Monday 24 April 2017, 3:14pm

With the Sydney carnival over, many of the better two-year-olds in Gerald Ryan's stable are resting ahead of spring campaigns.

Ryan got three youngsters into the Golden Slipper with Trapeze Artist the best-performed, running sixth on the heavy track before recording a Group One third in the ATC Sires' Produce Stakes.

The Rosehill trainer still has ammunition for the late-season two-year-old races but unfortunately three of them will be running against each other at Randwick on Tuesday.

Didn't Mention It, Military Express and Farsight will run in the Passchendale Plate (1200m), the latter two getting in as emergencies.

"It's hard to find two-year-old fillies races now so they all have to go against each other ," Ryan said.

"It isn't ideal."

Didn't Mention It has been placed twice from four starts while Military Express has raced twice and Farsight once.

Their better performed stablemate Condor Heroes will run in Brisbane On Saturday in the Listed Dalrello Stakes at Eagle Farm with Mark Zahra to ride.

Four-year-old Loverboy Charlie is also entered at Eagle Farm but is likely to run at Randwick in the Beersheba Hcp (1000m).

The gelding returned form a break to win at Warwick Farm earlier this month.

"He went really well first-up," Ryan said.

"He had a few issues and was missing the start.

"He went to Limitless Lodge for four weeks and we took all the headgear off and it seems to have helped."

Ryan is also looking ahead to the return of Deploy who won four in a row over the summer before going for a break at the beginning of February.

"He will go first-up into the Ortensia Stakes at the Scone meeting and then we may look at Brisbane," Ryan said.

"Girl Sunday is also heading north and will run in the Silk Stocking at the Gold Coast."

The Ortensia (1100m) is part of the rich meeting at Scone on May 13.


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