ATC announces significant operating profit

Wednesday 11 November 2015, 1:51pm

The Australian Turf Club will contribute $10 million towards the upgrade of Rosehill after announcing an increase in its operating profit during the 2015 financial year.

The club recorded an operating profit of almost $11 million, an improvement of more than $7 million on the previous 12 month period.

ATC chief executive Darren Pearce said the club's financial position would allow it to continue to invest in Sydney racing.

"With improved industry funding through tax parity we can continue on this path of growth and investment and further enhance facilities at our racecourses for our members, punters, Sydney racing fans and industry participants," Pearce said.

The club also plans to put another $10 million towards capital expenditure while $4 million will be spent on maintenance equipment for the tracks and gardens.

The ATC is also keen to pursue the development of a light rail link to Rosehill which Pearce says will allow it to capitalise on the potential of its land holdings in the surrounding area.

"The ATC's focus for the next 12 months is producing our long-term strategic plan and completing masterplans for our four venues so that we can grow Sydney racing well into the future," Pearce said.

The operating profit figures do not include one-off non-core business transactions after pay TV station TVN was wound up, or the sale of non-core property which contributed to an accounting and reported loss of $2.4 million.


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