Singapore international races scrapped

Monday 28 September 2015, 6:38pm

The two international races in Singapore have been scrapped with officials saying they have achieved their purpose.

In a surprise announcement on Monday, the Singapore Turf Club said the Singapore Airlines International Cup and the KrisFlyer Sprint had been discontinued.

"The Singapore Airlines International Cup (SIA Cup) and KrisFlyer International Sprint (KFIS) were introduced in 2000 and 2001 respectively to achieve several objectives," a Turf Club statement said.

"These objectives include branding Singapore races internationally and uplifting the quality of Singapore horses and Singapore Racing.

"Both international races together with Singapore Racing have grown in stature and prestige over the years. As the objectives set out for the two races have been achieved, the Singapore Turf Club wishes to announce that the SIA Cup and KFIS will be discontinued."

The KrisFlyer has been part of the Global Sprint Challenge and and has twice been won by Australian horses - North Boy in 2002 and the internationally renowned Takeover Target in 2008.

Mummify won the Cup in 2005 for Lee Freedman while Tommy Berry has ridden Hong Kong horse Dan Excel to win the past two.


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