Hugh Bowman rides a fantastic four

Wednesday 22 July 2015, 3:41pm

Hugh Bowman's own fantastic four has taken him to the top of the Sydney jockeys' premiership.

Bowman rode more than half the card at Warwick Farm to leapfrog both Blake Shinn and James McDonald in the race for the Sydney premiership.

Bowman took the lead in the premiership when lifting the David Pfieffer-trained Lord Leofric over the line in a driving finish to defeat Orujo by a neck in the Cal Rei Handicap over 1100m.

It was the third straight win for Lord Leofric who lifted his record to four wins from six starts.

Bowman earlier claimed the opening two races on the card riding Wudang Mountain ($6) to a short neck victory over Luacala in the opening race and then saluting on an eased down Kanji ($4.40) in the second.

Bowman then went on to pilot Defrost My Heart to a 1-1/4 length victory in the TAB Rewards Handicap - the Chris Waller-trained stayer hit the front at the 300m and was never headed.

Bowman leads the premiership race on 92 winners with McDonald and Shinn one-and-a-half wins back.

Shinn earlier rode Painte to a six-length victory in the Cellarbrations Maiden Handicap over 1400m.


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