Danny Nikolic applies for riding licence

Sunday 17 May 2015, 6:12pm

Suspended jockey Danny Nikolic has applied for a licence to ride again as he finds himself embroiled in another controversy.

Nikolic was outed after after threatening Victoria's chief steward Terry Bailey and his family at a country race meeting in September 2012.

He received a further ban until October 1 this year for offensive conduct towards another Racing Victoria steward, Wade Hadley, outside a hearing room at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal which was hearing his appeal against the suspension.

"We have an application for his jockey's licence," Bailey told Melbourne's RSN radio.

"Danny is still under suspension until the end of September so that will go through the normal processes like any other application.

"We have a sub-licensing committee that make recommendations to the board. Anything that is controversial or has any doubt around it goes to the board for their consideration."

Nikolic is involved in an ongoing investigation regarding exchange betting patterns around Baron Archer in a race at Echuca in March.

Stewards are looking into a betting account in the name of the Nikolic's partner Tania Hyett which showed Baron Archer was laid to lose.

Bailey said Hyett had been asked to produce further records and Nikolic would also be interviewed.

Baron Archer finished third in the five horse race at Echuca as the $2.80 second favourite.


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