El Divino out to make more family history

Thursday 25 August 2016, 1:31pm

In a sport rich with dynasties, a new lineage is looming as Australian racing's next star-studded family.

Winx confirmed her status as the undisputed superstar of the turf by returning to the track to win the Warwick Stakes at Randwick in breathtaking fashion.

Her younger half-brother El Divino has his chance to prove he is a top level contender in the Group Two Run To The Rose (1200m) at Rosehill on Saturday.

With Winx racing on alternate Saturdays, the pair, who are both out of Vegas Showgirl, could get the chance for Group One wins in successive weeks.

El Divino will race in the Golden Rose a week before Winx returns to elite-level racing in the George Main Stakes on September 17.

The colt's most recent barrier trial was on a heavy Kensington track at Randwick with jockey Hugh Bowman describing the ground as dreadful.

El Divino likely to get another heavy track at Rosehill, but co-trainer Adrian Bott believes he will handle it.

"He wasn't entirely comfortable in the trials the other day on the Kensington track but he can get through it," Bott said.

El Divino thrashed his rivals on a heavy track at Gosford on debut, before sharing first prize with Astern in the Group Three Kindergarten Stakes on soft ground Randwick in April.

Gai Waterhouse rates El Divino among the best three-year-old colts she has ever trained.

Bott said in four years with the stable he had been privileged to be involved with young stars like Pierro and Vancouver.

"I've been only with Gai for a relatively short time but I've seen some incredible colts in that time," Bott said.

"He's a colt that keeps improving and he's shown those early signs initially, so hopefully he's every bit a special colt as the others."

Waterhouse and Bott also train the youngest and most expensive family member, El Divino's $2.3 million as yet unnamed full-brother.

"He's a little bit of a different type to El Divino," Bott said.

"He has a bit more scope, quite a leggier individual.

"He may not be as early as what we saw El Divino but he's been through the stable a couple of times now and he's a beautiful mover."


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