Amelia Denby to become a senior rider

Thursday 25 August 2016, 2:25pm

The in-form Amelia Denby is about to finish her apprenticeship but can look to the future as a senior rider with confidence.

Denby will have her last rides with a three kilogram metropolitan claim at Doomben on Saturday and the Sunshine Coast next Wednesday.

The former New Zealander has ridden five metropolitan winners in just over a month at an average price of $13.

"I have already got the maximum extension on my apprenticeship so that will be it after next Wednesday," Denby said.

"But I can ride light and I have built up some strong contacts here in Brisbane."

Denby had an interrupted apprenticeship and spent two years riding work in Melbourne before heading to Brisbane.

"I really enjoyed Melbourne where I rode work for the Freedmans and Mark Kavanagh. I got to see two spring carnivals with the very best and I caught the riding bug again," Denby said.

"Brisbane seems to be a place where female riders get a go so I put out some feelers and (trainer) Steve O'Dea arranged for me to come north."

"I haven't regretted it at all. I really believe I have made the right decision."

Denby will have as many as seven rides at Doomben on Saturday including trainer Bruce Brown's Khaleesi and possibly Revaldor, who is an emergency.

"I would love to win for Bruce as he has been my greatest supporter. Even though he has a small team he has always made certain I have rides," Denby said.

the trainer of 2002 Golden Slipper winner Calaway Gal, Brown has cut his team back in recent years but is happy to get Denby to do much of his riding.

"She is light, well balanced on a horse and strong, so I am sure she will make it in senior ranks," Brown said.


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