Hawkesbury stable a boost for Ryan

Sunday 17 July 2016, 5:17pm

Opening a satellite stable at Hawkesbury has brought an unexpected bonus for Gerald Ryan who is about to win the local premiership.

Ryan will also win the provincial trainers' title with his Hawkesbury tally a big part of that.

He is leading Chris Waller 61-51 in the provincial standings and 19-14 at Hawkesbury which hosts its final meeting for the season next Sunday.

Ryan said he was not sure how many runners he would have at the meeting but he was more than happy to be part of the Hawkesbury scene with his son Blake the stable foreman.

"It's our first full season out there so it's good to have done so well," Ryan said.

"I wasn't a big fan of Hawkesbury until they extended the length of the straight but I like it now.

"The facilities are good with a swimming pool and the bush and the park for the horses to have a change of scenery.

"It really suits some horses and others we send out there for a couple of weeks to just change things up."

The trainer could also be in line for another milestone with Snitzel closing in on Without Fear's 40-year-old record of 30 individual two-year-old winners in an Australian season.

Ryan trained Snitzel to win the 2006 Oakleigh Plate and has had many of his progeny in his stable including 2014 Lightning Stakes winner Snitzerland.

Snitzel has sired 28 youngsters to win this season plus one in South Africa and Ryan has a couple coming up, including Sahara Emaar who will make his debut at Gosford on Thursday.

"It would be nice if Snitzel got the record but you have to remember he served a lot more mares than Without Fear did," Ryan said.

"I entered Sahara Emaar for Warwick Farm on Wednesday but he'll go to Gosford on Thursday instead.

"And Samantha, another by Sntizel, will run at the Hawkesbury meeting.


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