Fell Swoop to spend spring in Melbourne

Sunday 17 July 2016, 4:50pm

Dual Group One placegetter Fell Swoop will have a light spring campaign as he chases an elusive win at the highest level.

The Canberra-trained gelding has just returned to pre-training following a five-week spell in the the winter warmth of Queensland.

Trainer Matthew Dale said the sprinter was likely to have just three runs during the spring after having a hectic autumn-winter campaign.

Fell Swoop only raced six times during his last preparation but campaigned in three states.

He kicked off by running second in the Group One Oakleigh Plate at Caulfield in February before heading to Sydney for two runs in Group One races, including a second to Chautauqua in the TJ Smith Stakes.

Dale took him to Brisbane, not only take advantage of the warmer weather, but to give the gelding more experience away from home.

He reasoned the trip would make the gelding a more seasoned performer which in the long term would be beneficial to his career, especially at the highest level.

Fell Swoop won his first start in Brisbane, scoring a Group Two victory before running fifth in the BTC Cup and seventh in the Doomben 10,000.

Dale said there were a few options for Fell Swoop during the Melbourne spring but it would be a light campaign.

"Mindful of him having a fairly hectic autumn and winter, he will have a pretty light spring," Dale said.

"The time-line I've got at this stage is kicking him off in either the Moir or most likely the Schillaci and go from there with the Darley Classic at the end of the carnival being on the radar.

"It looks likely he'll have only two or three races in the spring so we can get him out in time to give him a solid foundation for the autumn next year."

Fell Swoop has won nine of his 16 starts and more than $1 million.


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