Baster gearing up for spring carnival

Tuesday 21 July 2015, 3:29pm

Stephen Baster is eyeing a return to race riding at the start of the new season after taking a winter break to get over an injury.

The Group One-winning jockey has not ridden in a race since June 14 due to tendonitis in an adductor muscle but is back riding work and partnered stakes-winning colt Of The Brave in a pleasing jump-out at Sandown on Tuesday.

"I've had a bit of tendonitis in my adductor muscle on the inside of my leg and it was just starting to get a bit worse," Baster said.

"Just with riding it started annoying me I so I thought I better back off, and the time off has done it the world of good."

Baster said had he not taken the time off his spring carnival would have been in jeopardy and to prepare for his return on August 1 he has begun riding trackwork.

"I thought I better give myself a good two and a half weeks of riding work before I start back on raceday," he said.

Baster is excited about Of The Brave's spring prospects, with the colt looming as the jockey's headline horse going into the new season.

He has ridden the Mark Riley-trained Of The Brave in his three starts. The colt won the Listed Debutant Stakes in October and the Group Three Blue Diamond Prelude in February before finishing 12th in the Group One Blue Diamond.

Baster was impressed with Of The Brave's jump-out on Tuesday and is looking forward to the the colt's scheduled first-up start in the Vain Stakes next month.

"He has trialled probably better than he has before so it was good," Baster said.

The Danehill Stakes and Group One Coolmore Stud Stakes are spring targets for Of The Brave.

"He's very promising and he gives you a feel that not a lot of horses give you," Baster said.

"So it's a very good feeling to have when you know you are on a good one."


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