Rugged Cross one of 4 winners for Waller

Saturday 18 July 2015, 5:00pm

Chris Waller is renowned for buying stayers from the northern hemisphere to run successfully in Australia but some, like Rugged Cross, can surprise him.

The gelding reinforced his standing as a talented sprinter with victory in Saturday's Listed Winter Stakes (1400m) at Rosehill as part of a winning quartet for the premier trainer.

"When we buy them we naturally think they are all stayers before we learn about them," Waller said.

"But we have found out he is more of a speed horse and he has proved that.

"He had a good draw, a good ride and a bit of luck and that always helps."

Under hard riding from Brenton Avdulla, Rugged Cross ($7.50) came with a late sprint to edge out Two Blue ($5.50) by a short half head.

It was the second time in her past two starts Two Blue had been collared in the final strides with the mare a half neck second to Haussmann in the Civic Stakes in which Rugged Cross finished fourth.

Since Rugged Cross has been in Australia he has been tried over distances up to 1900 metres, but his wins have all been at 1500 or under.

He is by Cape Cross, a prolific sire of distance horses in Europe including the latest star Golden Horn.

Cape Cross is also the sire of the Waller-trained Soviet Courage, winner of Saturday's opening race over 2400 metres.

"It shows you need to let them find themselves," Waller said.

Two Blues trainer Kristen Buchanan was left wondering again what might have been.

"The way she races, she is vulnerable to the last-minute ambush," Buchanan said.

"She's run out of her skin and I can't be too unhappy, but the adrenaline was high there."

Waller's other winners were two-year-old Japonisme and Marenostro, who gave James McDonald the lead once again in the see-sawing Sydney jockeys premiership.


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