Wet Randwick ideal scenario for Speediness

Thursday 20 February 2014, 1:11pm

Colin Scott looks set to get his wish for a rain-affected Randwick on Saturday when he saddles up Victorian raider Speediness in the Apollo Stakes.

The six-year-old has an outstanding record on cushioned ground with five wins and three placings from his 10 starts on dead and slow tracks.

It is a record Scott was mindful of when plotting an autumn campaign for his star.

"That was the reason we came to Sydney, there is a better change of having more rain-affected ground," Scott said.

"I'm watching the weather radar and hoping for rain."

Randwick was rated in the heavy range on Thursday but with mainly dry weather forecast that is expected to improve come race day.

So is Speediness who was a first-up sixth to Appearance on a good track in the Expressway Stakes.

Disappointed with the result on face value, a more considered assessment has Scott satisfied Speediness is on target for another good campaign.

"I was initially disappointed but watching the replays he found the line OK. He cost himself blowing the start," Scott said.

"If he doesn't bomb the start he probably finishes top three."

Issues at the start have been part and parcel of the career of Speediness.

The gelding was one of the first horses loaded for the Expressway and he became restless in the stalls, leading to his mistake once they opened.

Scott was relieved when the horse drew four in the Apollo and says it should ensure he is one of the last loaded.

Also on his side is the engagement of Jim Cassidy.

The experienced hoop will ride Speediness for the first time under race conditions and Scott has no doubt the partnership will gel.

"He has ridden a hundred Group One winners, there's not many horses he doesn't suit," Scott said.

"Jim had a feel of him on Tuesday morning and he was really happy with the way the horse went. He's a pretty uncomplicated animal.

"Jim is a great rider, a great tactical rider and a very strong rider and I think that will suit the horse very well."

Speediness will follow a weight-for-age path towards the Doncaster Mile, his main autumn mission.

He is on the third line of Apollo betting at $5.50, behind Boban and Expressway winner Appearance.


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