Stewards drop charge against apprentice

Monday 17 February 2014, 4:58pm

Queensland stewards have dropped a charge against apprentice Anthony Allen for excessively reducing the speed of a race after evidence showed otherwise.

Senior Racing Queensland steward Alan Reardon said on Monday a review of the sectional times from the race showed the charge could not be sustained.

He said a further review of the race showed a number of horses were over-racing before the incident.

Stewards charged Allen at Doomben on Saturday under the little-used Australian Racing rule 137 (d) which relates to a jockey slowing the pace of a race too much.

It was the the first time the charge had been issued in Queensland.

RQ stewards opened the inquiry after the running of the Class 6 (1200m) and charged Allen who pleaded not guilty.

They alleged Allen excessively reduced the pace between the 800m and 600m when he was leading in Pure Whisper.

Stewards claimed it resulted in several other horses being checked to varying degrees.

The inquiry was adjourned until Monday to allow stewards to review the sectional times.

An examination of those times showed the race had in fact been run faster from the 800m to the 600m than from the 1000m to the 800m.

After receiving that information stewards elected not to proceed with the charge.

Allen said he could now concentrate on a big week of riding engagements including Bribie in Saturday's $100,000 Falvelon Quality at Eagle Farm and was happy with inquiry result.

"They gave me a fair chance and I am glad that it showed I had not done anything wrong," Allen said.


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