Wyong in crisis as administrator appointed

Thursday 6 February 2014, 4:15pm

An administrator has been appointed to take charge of the troubled Wyong Race Club.

John Rouse, a former Australian Jockey Club boss, will take control of the NSW provincial turf club after Racing NSW stepped in on Thursday following months of upheavel.

Rouse's appointment comes as the Wyong board has been stood down and is reportedly seeking legal advice.

Racing has continued at the Central Coast racetrack despite the recent departure of its chief executive and curator.

"The appointment of Mr John Rouse is temporary pending the outcome of a Show Cause Notice which will address a number of concerns that have arisen with Wyong Race Club," a Racing NSW statement said.

"Racing NSW is committed to ensuring that the right outcome is reached for the board of Wyong Race Club, its members and the NSW thoroughbred racing industry.

"In order to ensure that Wyong Race Club is afforded proper procedural fairness and natural justice, Racing NSW will not be commenting on this matter any further at this stage."

The NSW Trainers' Association welcomed the Racing NSW move, saying it was overdue.

"Wyong has been like a festering boil waiting to explode for a while now. That the boil has been lanced and it's time to move on," NSWTA chief executive Steve McMahon said.

"Safety for horses, riders and trainers must be paramount and Racing NSW have clearly taken this issue seriously.

"With investigations, failure to deliver a training pool, loss of the CEO and racecourse curator, it's been a difficult period and we now need everyone working together to ensure a successful future for Wyong and racing on the Central Coast."

Wyong staged an eight-race card on Thursday.


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