Ararat asked to explain racetrack fiasco

Tuesday 10 December 2013, 2:03pm

The Ararat Turf Club has been issued with a please explain after a meeting was abandoned because its racetrack was declared unsafe for racing.

Racing Victoria's Jamie McGuinness said the Victorian country club had been asked to explain the unsatisfactory preparation of the track in the lead-up to Tuesday's meeting.

"It's unacceptable that we've lost today's Ararat meeting and we've commenced discussions with the club and our officials to review the circumstances that led to the abandonment," McGuinness said.

"Our initial inquiries indicate there was an issue with the irrigation of the track which led to a section in the home straight being considerably wetter than the remainder of the surface."

Before the meeting was due to commence stewards ordered the rail to be moved out five metres in the home straight around a wet section of track.

But jockeys decided the track was not safe to ride, forcing the meeting to be called off.

Leading jockey Brad Rawiller said there had been a problem with drainage at the 200 metres, resulting in a wet patch of turf.

He said every rider would be heading for the outside fence to avoid the drainage problem and that would have caused safety issues.

RV said horse and rider safety was paramount, ensuring the jockeys' decision was accepted.


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