Grand Prix is a grand final for Hawkspur

Friday 24 May 2013, 3:30pm

A Queensland Derby start for Hawkspur hinges on his performance in Saturday's Grand Prix Stakes at Doomben.

Hawkspur achieved Waller's first goal for the gelding when he won the Rough Habit Plate at Eagle Farm on May 11 and lines up in the Grand Prix as the favourite.

Waller doesn't want to overtax Hawkspur this campaign and has stopped short of declaring him a certain starter in the Group One Queensland Derby (2400m) at Eagle Farm on June 8.

"Last start and this start are his two grand finals," he said.

"If we get to the Derby it will be a bonus."

The three-year-old redeemed himself in the Rough Habit, scoring by three lengths, after finishing only sixth to Usainity in the Frank Packer Plate (2000m).

Waller is happy with the way Hawkspur has trained on since the Rough Habit.

"He's doing well. I think all horses thrive when they go up there," he said.

"It's that bit warmer and horses don't like extremes, either extreme hot or extreme cold."

One of Hawkspur's Grand Prix rivals, Ambitious Champion, is Hong Kong-bound after his winter carnival campaign.

Trainer Murray Baker said the Grand Prix and Queensland Derby will be Ambitious Champion's only two appearances in Australia before he is transferred to Hong Kong to do his racing.

Ambitious Champion has won his past two starts including a narrow, but impressive, victory at Te Rapa on April 27 over 2000 metres when he lost considerable ground on the home turn before winning by a half head.

The gelding is owned in the same interests as Ambitious Dragon who has won seven Group One races in Hong Kong including last year's International Mile.


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