Currie with good book of Caulfield rides

Thursday 25 August 2016, 1:53pm

Luke Currie heads to Caulfield with a book of rides he hopes can deliver him a successful start to the carnival at the first Group One meeting of the season.

Currie has rides in the five stakes races on Saturday, three for trainer Tony McEvoy including Alpine Eagle in the Group One Memsie Stakes (1400m).

He also partners Shiraz in a Group Three sprint and Don't Doubt Mamma in the Cockram Stakes (1200m).

Currie continues his association with the Terry and Karina O'Sullivan-trained Magnapal who will be chasing his second-straight Heatherlie Stakes, while he also rides Kinetic Design in the McNeil Stakes for trainer Stuart Webb.

"It would be nice to have a bit of luck and have a good day to get the ball rolling for spring," Currie said.

Currie's 2015/16 season was highlighted by his Group One win aboard Suavito in the C F Orr Stakes in February.

He hasn't ridden Alpine Eagle in a race but partnered the horse in a barrier trial last week.

"He's very forward," Currie said.

"He might have matured a little bit as a racehorse. Obviously it's a tough race and Tony is looking forward with him, but I think he's definitely forward enough to run a big race."

Currie is hoping for better luck on Shiraz than he had in the Carlyon Stakes at Moonee Valley last week when the sprinter was unplaced after getting held up in the straight.

"He just didn't get a crack at them at all," Currie said.

"You would have to say off his last run that he would be very hard to beat and he should back up because he wasn't tested at all last Saturday.

"He gave me a good feel and I was really disappointed, especially for the owners, that he couldn't get a crack at them because I thought he would have given (winner) Heatherly a shake."


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