Josh Adams disqualified for 2-1/2 years

Tuesday 6 January 2015, 6:04pm

Prominent Sydney jockey Josh Adams has been banned for more than two years for repeated drug-testing offences.

Adams, once rated a rising star of the saddle during a successful apprenticeship, cannot reapply for a jockeys' licence until March 10, 2017.

A Racing NSW report said the penalty was handed down on Monday after a long-running inquiry that was triggered due to doubts about the bona fides of a urine sample delivered by Adams.

Stewards first opened an inquiry during a Kembla Grange race meeting on August 2 where evidence was taken from three jockeys riding against Adams.

After pleading not guilty during the early stages of the hearing, Adams changed his plea leading up to Monday's decision.

It is his third offence in as many years under Australian racing's drug-testing rules for which he will serve a two-year ban.

Adams was hit with another six-month disqualification for giving false evidence.

His ban has been backdated to start from September 10.

If Adams wants to return to riding he must undergo counselling and provide a series of clear urine samples before stewards will consider his licence application.

In his first season of riding, Adams landed 43 winners.

And he confirmed his potential during 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 seasons, riding 73 and 70 winners respectively to earn opportunities from some of Sydney's biggest stables.


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