Midsummer Sun primed for Gosford Cup

Sunday 4 January 2015, 5:44pm

Sam Kavanagh is excited about returning to the scene of his biggest win since his move to Sydney and is looking for the same result.

Midsummer Sun heads to the Central Coast on Friday to defend his Gosford Cup crown on the back of a second in the Summer Cup to the in-form I'm Imposing.

Kavanagh moved to Sydney from Adelaide at the beginning of the 2013/14 season and has bolstered his stable with imported horses like Midsummer Sun who began his career in England.

Although he has not won a race in the 12 months since his triumph in the Listed feature at Gosford, Midsummer Sun has rewarded his owners with many cheques.

His placed efforts include a second in the Group Three Sky High Stakes in the autumn and third in the ATC Cup in November.

"He is looking for the 2100 metres now," Kavanagh said.

"He has worked well since the Summer Cup and I couldn't be happier going back to Gosford."

I'm Imposing finished fourth in the Gosford feature last year but his recent has form ruled him out of handicaps with trainer Chris Waller deciding to target weight-for-age races in Brisbane later this year.

Waller, who won the race two years ago with Moriarty, will be represented in the race.

"We are likely to have Multilateral and Black Jag and possibly Permit," Waller said.

"The three will be nominated and we will decide later in the week if they all run."

If Multilateral runs he will be backing up from his Tattersalls Cup win on New Year's Day. Permit finished 1-1/2 lengths fourth in the Tatts Cup under 58kg.

Black Jag is coming off a third to stablemate Amovatio at Canterbury on December 27 with the winner to contest the Stayers' Cup at Saturday's Magic Millions meeting at the Gold Coast.


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