Raid The Ark

Raid The Ark


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Sold for: $25,000

(GST status not known)

Raid The Ark
Marauding (NZ) 1984
Perfect Ark (AUS) 1994
25 September 2001
Life no:
Widden 2328 NSW, Australia

This horse is being sold As Agent:

By: Widden Stud

Broodmare's breeding status:

In foal:Yes
Covering sire: Stratum (AUS) 2002
Date of last service:12 November 2009
Selling with a foal at foot:No

To be auctioned at:

2010 Scone Broodmare Sale, Lot 11
Scone, 27 Aug 2010
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Ryan McEvoy , Widden Stud

Widden Valley, via Denman, Widden 2328 NSW, Australia

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Chestnut mare       Foaled 2001 

MARAUDING (NZ) Sir Tristram (Ire)Sir IvorSir Gaylord
IsoltRound Table
BiscaloweBiscayStar Kingdom (Ire)
NunkaloweBoysie Boy (GB)
Ark Regal (NZ)Star Way (GB)Star Appeal
Pan FlightTaipan II (USA)
PostureNew GleamTodman
AllidaSmall Time

MARAUDING (NZ) (1984). 3 wins, STC Golden Slipper S., Gr.1. Sire of 600 rnrs, 401 wnrs, 32 SW, inc. Burst (STC Golden Slipper S., Gr.1), Prowl, etc. Sire of the dams of 1120 rnrs, 703 wnrs, 23 GW, inc. SW Melito, Dealer Principal, Ambulance, Grand Armee, Juanmo, Monton, Returntosender, Sharks Bay, Whitefriars, Mr Martini, Vocabulary, Quays, De France, On Type, Shanzero, Mearas, Raheeb, Overclock, Spirit of Tara, Whistler, Piccadilly Circus, etc.


1st dam

PERFECT ARK, by Ark Regal (NZ). 6 wins 1100 to 1400m, $188,100, VRC AJS Window Cleaning Services H., VATC Membership H., Swinburne Higher Education H., 2d VATC Douglas Electronics P., The Journal H. Half-sister to MINYAMA. Dam of 6 named foals, 4 to race, 3 winners, inc:-

 Dimi the Dancer (g by Noverre (USA)). 3 wins at 1100, 1200m in Aust.

 Raid the Ark (f by Marauding (NZ)). Winner. See below.

 Perfectus (g by Black Hawk (GB)). Winner at 1479m in Aust.


2nd dam

POSTURE, by New Gleam. 4 wins–1 at 2–at 1000, 1200m, 3d MVRC Nonga H. Dam of 12 foals, 8 to race, 2 winners, inc:-

MINYAMA (c Palaban) 14 wins 1000 to 1825m, $184,070, VATC Sandown S., Gr 3, VRC Australian Unity Welter H., Battle of Britain H., Schweppes Welter H., VATC Gippsland Sprint H., Gippsland Sprint Final H., VRC Sobar Welter H., 2d VRC Crown Sprint Welter H., TROA H., VATC Triscay H., 3d VATC Barton H., L, 4th VATC CF Orr S., Gr 2.

 Perfect Ark . 6 wins. See above.

 Windward . Placed at 3 in Aust.

 He's a Gun . Placed in Aust.


3rd dam

ALLIDA, by Small Time. Winner at 1500m in Aust. Half-sister to EDUCATE. Dam of 5 foals, all raced, 4 winners, inc:-

 Monday Eve . 2 wins at 1100, 1240m, TRC Burglar H., 3d TTC Toyota H. Dam of 3 winners-

 Jake's Choice . 5 wins 1200 to 1600m, TTC Country Club Villas H., Coca-Cola H., Peter Gilligan P., 2d TTC Aluminates Chemical Industries H., Tasmanian Printer Cartridge H., 3d TRC Hotel Grand Chancellor H., TTC Faulding Healthcare H., Northern Engineering H., Shaw Contracting H., Governors P.H.

 Maywyn on Tuesday . 3 wins 1175 to 1420m to 2010-11, TRC Reardon Demolition H., Glenorchy RSL H., 2d TRC Raine & Horne Commercial H., Gallipoli H., TTC RF Fergusson Memorial H., 3d TRC Peter Binny Surveys H., TTC John Dakin Financial Services H.

 Covington . Winner at 1000m, 2d TTC Toll Tasmania H., 3d TTC Central Launceston 2YO Fillies P. Dam of-

 Avebury Masse . 4 wins 1100 to 1420m, TTC The Examiner H., Craig Hanson Memorial H., Cellarbrations H., 2d TTC Tote Sport Radio H., Myer Launceston P., TA Bricknell H., Shaw Contracting H., TROA H., 3d TTC WI Playsted H., Foster's Australia H., Shelton Brown Insurance H.

 Posture . 4 wins. See above.

 Saarida . Winner at 1500m in Aust.

 Question of Honour . Winner at 1000m in Aust.


4th dam

POLITE GIRL, by Neapolitan (GB). Placed at 3 in Aust. Dam of 8 foals, all raced, 7 winners, inc:-

EDUCATE (c Century) 9 wins 1200 to 2400m, $107,950, VATC Hopetoun H., L, VRC Schweppes H., MVRC WR Kemball H., VATC Bond H., Amounis Welter H., BATC Graduation S., QTC Intermediate H., 3d VRC Queen Elizabeth S., Gr 2, 4th VATC Hopetoun H., L.

 Mannered . 10 wins–5 at 2–at 1000, 1100m, VRC FW Hoysted H., MVRC Glenroy H., VATC Trenton S., Barton H., SG Garnsworthy H. Sire.


5th dam

PARADE GIRL, by Star Spangled Banner (GB). Winner at 6f in Aust. Sister to Potranca (dam of PRINCE KADRU), half-sister to CELERO. Dam of 9 named foals, 6 to race, 3 winners.


Race Record: Winner at 1110m in Aust.


Produce Record: Dam of 1 named foal, 1 winner.

2007  Orianthi (f by Keep the Faith). Winner at 1223m in 2010-11 in Aust.

2008 (f by Spinning World (USA)).

2009 (f by Econsul (NZ)). Destroyed.

2010 (f by Stratum).


Served by Strada. Date of last service, 16.11.2010.