Matt Dunn to attack Country Championship

Sunday 11 February 2018, 5:01pm

Trainer Matt Dunn is planning an all-out assault on the $500,000 NSW Country Championship final after the disappointment of a wet track in last year's race.

Heading Dunn's plans is three-year-old Snitz who earned himself a chance at the Country Championship when he won at Doomben on Saturday.

Snitz has won four races, his past three in Brisbane.

Dunn, who trains at Murwillumbah, regularly travels horses to Brisbane and Sydney.

He won a heat of the Championship at Grafton last year with Perfect Dare only for a heavy track on finals day on April 1 to ruin his hopes.

"I hope Snitz will be hard to beat in the Country Championship," Dunn said.

Dunn said Snitz would have his next start at Doomben in a fortnight and then head to the qualifying heat at Grafton on March 11.

"If he finishes first or second he can then head to the final at Randwick (April 7)," Dunn said.

Dunn said he was likely to have "about ten" horses in the Grafton race.

"The Country Championship final is worth $500,000 this year so it is something to aim at not just with Snitz," he said.

Snitz is owned by prominent Queensland racing identity Jim Kennedy who has had many good horses including the Doomben 10,000 winner Blue's Finito.


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