Rudy ready to rock in G1 Doncaster lead-up

Friday 13 March 2015, 2:21pm

Trainer Helen Page expects the Ajax Stakes to be the ideal race to round off Rudy's Doncaster Mile preparation.

Rudy will be having his final hit-out before heading to Randwick on April 4 in a Sydney campaign made possible because the four-year-old is exempt from the Doncaster Mile ballot.

Page has been in Sydney most of the week and is pleased with the progress Rudy has made since finishing second to It's Somewhat in the Liverpool City Cup at Warwick Farm.

"He probably should have finished a bit closer to the winner. I was really happy with him this week and I see no reason why he will need another run before the Doncaster," Page said.

"You never like to get ahead of yourself with any horse but at least we have been able to plan our campaign without having to worry about him qualifying for the Doncaster."

Rudy escaped the Doncaster ballot when he won the Villiers over the Doncaster course in December.

He has the luxury weight of 50.5kg in the Doncaster, 7kg less than he will carry in the Ajax.

"It probably would have been better to draw a bit closer on Saturday but he will run home. It looks the perfect lead up race for him," Page said.

Apprentice Luke Tarrant will ride Rudy in both races.


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