James McDonald signs Godolphin contract

Thursday 12 March 2015, 6:20pm

James McDonald is poised to ride for Godolphin on the international stage after signing a retainer with the global racing operation.

John Ferguson, bloodstock adviser to Sheikh Mohammed, confirmed on Thursday that McDonald had joined William Buick and James Doyle as Godolphin's contracted jockeys.

"He is a first-class jockey, as we all know, but having him under retainer gives us the opportunity to use him not just in Australia but in Europe, as well," Ferguson said.

"We would like him to join William Buick and James Doyle later in the year when the Derby trials are run in May, and Epsom and Royal Ascot take place in June."

McDonald has been the No.1 jockey for Godolphin in Sydney and last month combined with Contributor to give trainer John O'Shea his first Group One win for Sheikh Mohammed.

He said he was excited by the opportunity to ride for Godolphin at some of the world's most prestigious carnivals.


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